Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Here" we are....

We are "here" and you are "there".... so much has changed in our lives and I can tell you, we are definitely not in Kansas anymore Toto! There are MANY things different "here" from what we are used to "there"... it is almost a hobby of mine now to observe the many differences and try to relate them to you. I will start with our entry into the Country. We had a layover in a major city for a few hours connecting us to our part of the Country we now call home. As we were waiting for our flight we were seated very near a typical airport "convenience" store where weary travelers can purchase a quick snack or refreshing drink. Typical right? Yeah....except one thing was not so typical. We spotted a refrigerated glass case similar to one you may see displaying pastries or the like, "there". My weary eyes sat looking from a distance, for quite some time, at this display case. I tried to make something familiar out of what I was looking at. I could not in my wildest imagination conjure up what I was viewing. Upon closer examination I finally recognized what was displayed in the case. Yes, I had seen this before....but NEVER in an airport. It was live crabs! You heard correctly, live crabs. Each tied with string, in a bundle for traveling with the claws safely tucked away. I don't know what that conjures up in your mind but for my ever curious mind I was racing with questions....Who would buy a crab just before getting on a plane? Did these crabs have to go through the security check point to get here? Is it possibly a favored gift giving practice, or custom to arrive with a live crab? Should I be buying one so I don't look out of step? Do they plan on eating these cute little guys or are they possibly pet crabs? If it's to eat, are they cooked first or are they eaten raw?.....the questions go on and on. Now imagine every day seeing many things like this. Something that just does not register with your experiential knowledge. It is bewildering sometimes. For a curious person by nature, like myself, it can be downright frustrating. The questions come at me rapid fire. The answers seldom (if ever) come. It's the unanswered part that can drive you crazy if you let it. I've become comfortable with the fact that there is an answer....I just probably will never know it, and that's okay. I still find it all fascinating!

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